Sunday, August 24, 2008

HIN Nightshift

Wow. Last night couldn't have been any better. Getting to do what I love. The difference was, the fam was there. Risky Devil represented in the show, and during the demo. Thanks to all RD for all the mad support everytime we went out there. Thank you Dave(touge) for letting us have this increadible experiece. Thank you Bruce for letting me represent your group. Mad love goes out to you. Thank you AJ for always gettin down with the stillness of the hands. Pictures are def worth a thousand words. I never thought I would see the day.......crowd as big as last night screaming there head off while we slide around a parking lot. Thank you Leigh, Mark for throwing down so hard last night, even though you both hit the wall. Thank you Josh for getting me so hyped!!!! Mad FAM for life. Thanks again to everyone.

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